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Lincolnshire Ia

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health search

removed by surgical procedure or who has an ileostomy


periodic dissemination

health search

colon surgical procedures


leading to the removal




1) to help anyone living in the [to be completed by each charity] area and elsewhere whose colon has been, or is about to be, removed by surgical procedure or who has an ileostomy or an internal pouch.2) to promote and co-ordinate research into bowel disease and other conditions leading to the removal of the colon, surgical procedures pertaining to thereto, and related matters and further to promote the dissemination of knowledge gained by such research.3) to keep ileostomists and others informed of all matters of interest to the charity by the periodic dissemination of information by way of publications, by arranging conferences, seminars and courses on topics of interest, and in any other manner which is charitable and which the trustees consider appropriate.

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