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The Small Business Research Trust

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"the objects for which the charity is established are: 3.1 the advancement of the education of the public in relation to small and medium sized enterprises in the united kingdom and in other parts of the world including but without thereby limiting the generality of the foregoing, the education of the public in relation to such enterprises in economics, social sciences, political science, commerce, business studies, business organisations, management, law and accountancy and so that: 3.1.1. the term ""enterprises"" as used in this clause shall mean all trades, professions, vocations and other business and/or economic activities and/or the persons, companies, corporations, authorities, trusts, associations or other bodies or organisations carrying on such trades, professions, vocations and other business and/or economic activities or any of them; 3.1.2 the trustees (or any person or persons to whom such power shall have been delegated pursuant to the powers, hereinafter contained) shall determine whether any particular enterprise falls to be treated as small or medium sized or otherwise for the purposes of this clause. 3.2 the promotion of such other purposes being exclusively charitable according to the law of england and wales as the trustees may from time to time determine."



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