Renew North East

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professional search

long term unemployed

professional search

levels and employability

tools search

train in the refurbishment renovation and servicing

plant search

trainees and providing environmental




1) to promote education, training and relief of poverty for the benefit of the community as shall be exclusively charitable, including but not without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing:a) to assist the long term unemployed by the provision of recycling workshops where they can train in the refurbishment, renovation and servicing of used white goods with a view to increasing skill levels and employability on the part of the trainees and providing environmental benefit through the use of goods that might otherwise be discardedb) the provision of household appliances to persons resident in the community who are suffering from hardship and need upon terms appropriate to their means2) to support such institutions and purposes as are charitable according to the law of england and wales and have objects similar to all or any of the objects of the company in such manner and such proportions as the company shall think fit



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