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Grace Fellowship Church

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session of the congregation are permitted to receive all moneys contributed or subscribed whether collected by private




to further the religious and other charitable work of the international presbyterian church in the borough of warrington in the county of cheshire ('the area of benefit') and for such other charitable and/or religious purposes as the members of the congregation nay particular the trustees as the session of the congregation are permitted to receive all moneys contributed or subscribed whether collected by private gift or in public meetings and after providing thereout for the expenses of maintaining the premises used by the congregation (including any expensesincurrewd in the repair alteration or improvement of the same or the purchase of any other premises for uses by the congregation) provided the same are within the area of benefit shall pay such sum for the support of the pastor as the members of the congregation shall have determined and shall apply the remainder in payment of the incidental and other expenses attending the maintenance of divine worship on the premises and for such other charitable and/or religious purposes (whether or not within the area of benefit) as the members of the congregation may decide. but moneys contributed to or subscribed for any specified purpose (being a charitable and/or religious purpose) shall not be subject to this clause but shall be applied for such specified purpose.

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