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The Richard De Metz Educational And Travelling Foundation

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ordinarily resident in the united kingdom




a) to advance the education of students not ordinarily resident in the united kingdom who are attending english universities listed in appendix a to this deed or such other universities or place of higher education in england as are added to the list by deed executed by the trustees and who as a result of1) new and additional fees charged by the said universities or2) changes in the exchange rates between the currency of the country of residence of such students and the pound sterling find it difficult to afford to continue to study at the universities by provision of grants and bursaries.b) to advance the education of graduates and other qualified persons studying at an institution accredited and approved by the national education authority of the country in which such institution is located who wish to travel abroad for general education purposes connected with practical study and research in the foundations fields of interest (as hereinafter defined) by the provision of grants and bursaries.

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