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The African Caribbean Leadership Company Limited

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london borough of haringey

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"the objects of the charity (the ""objects"") shall be to promote any charitable purposefor the benefit of the inhabitants of the london borough of haringey (and itsenvirons) in particular for persons of caribbean and african origin) in particular by1) the advancement of education by the provision of supplementary schoolingfor children and young people and provision of adult education classes,2) the promotion and provision of educational and vocational training facilitiesfor young unemployed persons in order to develop their skills and to assistthem to find employment, 3) the provision of facilities in the interests of social welfare for the recreationand other leisure time occupation of the inhabitants (and in particular forpersons of caribbean and african origin) who have need of such facilities byreason of their youth infirmity or disablement of poverty or social andeconomic circumstances and with the object of improving their condition oflife, and4) the promotion of harmonious community relations between persons ofdi fferent social groups, the working towards the elimination ofdiscrimination on grounds of race and colour and the encouragement ofequality of opportunity between persons of different social group"



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