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Hope And Evolution

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"the objects of the charity (""the objects"") are restricted to purposes for thebenefit of the public as shall be exclusively charitable, including in particulara) the advancement of education of young people in particular by providing,or assisting in the provision of, facilities for education anywhere in theworld,b) the provision of recreational l and leisure time activities for young peopleprovided in the interest of social welfare, designed to improve theirconditions of life,c) the relief of those in need by reason of hiv/aids, malnutrition or lack ofmedical care in particular by providing or assisting in the provision ofrelief anywhere in the world,d) the provision of funds to support research (and the dissemination of the useful results of such research) 2 into the causes, treatment and avoidanceof hiv/aids, malnutrition or related medical conditions, ande) the provision of housing or medical assistance to those who by reason oftheir infirmity or disablement, poverty or social and economiccircumstances have need of such facilitiesand save for purposes ancillary and incidental to those objects and for no otherpurposes."

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