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Roots To Branches Autism Network

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people with autism spectrum disorders asd

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asd and their families




"the charity's objects (""the objects"") are:1. to relieve the needs of and to promote and protect the health of children and young people with autism spectrum disorders (asd) and to relieve the mental and physical stress of parents/carers and their child or children with asd in coventry and warwickshire by providing a safe stimulating fun environment as well as up to date information, advice and signposting to other services and organisations.2. to promote social inclusion for the public benefit by preventing people with asd and their families from becoming socially excluded, relieving the needs of those people who are socially excluded and assisting them to integrate into society by:(a) providing education and information to support and enable parents with a child or children with asd to maximise educational opportunities.(b) raising public awareness of the issues affecting children with asd, both generally and in relation to their social exclusion.(c) providing recreational facilities and opportunities for children and young people with asd and their families."

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