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Peterborough & District Samaritans

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probationary branches

lonely search

compassion and befriending

person search

persons who are suicidal despairing


specific limitations


samaritan procedure referral




the objects of the charity are: 2.1 to work for the assistance of persons who are suicidal, despairing or in distress by providing a service primarily intended for the benefit of persons in peterborough and the surrounding area (but without specific limitations as to area) to enable such persons to receive immediate help, compassion and befriending from members of the charity selected and prepared for the purpose working under direction; and also where appropriate, in accordance with samaritan procedure, referral to persons having specialist or professional skills, and2.2 to support the company and aid in the establishment and support of probationary branches and the support of recognised branches of samaritans. 3.1 to enable persons in peterborough and the surrounding area as well as elsewhere who are experiencing feelings of distress or despair, including those who may be at risk of suicide, to receive confidential emotional support at any time of the day or night in order to improve their emotional health and to reduce the incidence of suicide;3.2 to promote a better understanding in society of suicide, suicidal behaviour and the value of expressing feelings which may otherwise lead to suicide or impaired emotional health; and3.3 to collaborate with and support samaritans central charity and its affiliated branches in fulfilling these objects.

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