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Edward Mayes Trust

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"the provision of almshouses for poor widows or spinsrers who are not less than 60 years of age (preference shall be given to thoes who attend places of worship where the gospel is preached).for the benefit of the almspeople in such manner as the trustees think fit from time to time. the provision of almshouses for poor widows or spinsters who are not less than 60 years of age (preference shall be given to thoes who attend places of worship where the gospel is preached). for the benefit of the almspeople in such manner as the trustees think fit from time to time. for the benefit of the residents in the almshouses of the charity or any of them in such manner as the trustees think fit from time to time. 1 provision and upkeep of six almshouses for the benefit of poor deserving people. 2. weekly stipends for almspeople. 3 payment for the repair, lighting and cleaning of the chapel of ease to st. james's church. (a) the provision of almshouses for beneficiaries, (b) such charitable purposes for the benefit of the residents as the trustees decide. (for further objects see clause 4 of scheme) almshouses for poor women of good character who are not less than 60 years of age. preference shall be given to those who attend places of worship. almshouses for poor women of not less than 60 years of age. management, upkeep and control of four almshouses for the benefit of poor people not being less than of the age of sixty five years at the time of their election and having resided for a period of not less than ten years, immediately preceding such election within the area of the former urban district council of ashton-upon-mersey. (for further details of objects see clauses 20-26 of above scheme of the 11 november 1976.) 1.1 the charity’s objects (objects) are1.1.1 the provision of social housing accommodation in the form of almshouse accommodation for beneficiaries within the north west of england or such other area as the directors may determine appropriate from time to time (“the area of benefit”), and1.1.2 such charitable purposes for the benefit of the residents as the directors decide1.2 if and in so far as the income of the charity is not reasonably required for the objects mentioned above, it may be applied in the relief of persons in the area of benefit who are in need, sick, convalescent, disabled or infirm by relieving their suffering or assisting their recovery by1.2.1 making grants of money to them, or1.2.2 providing or paying for goods, services or facilities for them, or1.2.3 making grants of money to other persons or bodies who provide goods, services or facilities to those eligible for assistance1.3 in exceptional cases the directors may decide to assist someone (who must otherwise be qualified) who is1.3.1 resident outside the area of benefit, or1.3.2 only temporarily resident in the area of benefitnb deletion of previous definition of ""area of benefit"" - the area within a 5 mile radius of manchester town hall or within the boundaries of the city of manchester.nb2 deletion of defined ""beneficiaries"" - poor persons of good character who have resided within the area of benefit"



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