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to advance the education of the public in general (and particularly amongst patients, healthcare professionals, and medical students) on the subject of neurosurgery and to promote research for the public benefit in all aspects of that subject and to publish the useful results. this object shall be achieved in particular but not exclusively by:(a) disseminating educational resources using a free open-access resource model using different forms of multimedia on the web;(b) establishing appropriate channels of communication to promote active engagement and discussion of the practice of neurosurgery and neurosurgical conditions amongst the general public, patients, healthcare professionals, and medical students;(c) providing platforms for patients, healthcare professionals, and medical students to share their experiences using multimedia tools and the web, for example, online video blogs;(d) collating and creating informative material which support neurosurgical patients, their families and carers, before, during, and after neurosurgical procedures;(e) running community engagement programmes to increase science communication.



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