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Thomas Hammond

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the yearly income of the charity shall be applied by the trustees in making payments, under one or more of the following heads, for the benefit either of the poor of the townships of linton and threshfield generally, or of such deserving and necessitous perso resident therein as the trustees select for the purpose, and in such way as they consider most advantageous to the recipients, and most conducive to the formation or provident habits- i. subscriptions or donations in aid of the funds of- (a) any dispensary, infirmary, hospital, or convalescent home, whether general or special, upon such terms (so far as may be) as to enable the trustees to secure te benefits of the institution for the objects of the charities; (b) any provident club or society established in or near the said townships for the supply of coal, clothing, or other necessaries; ii. grants or contributions for or towards - (a) the provision of nurses and of medical and surgical assistance for the sick and infirm, including medcial and surgical appliances, medicines and comforts or necessaries; (b) the travelling expenses of patients to and from such institutions as are above-mentioned in paragraph i (a): iii the supply of clothes, boots, linen, bedding, fuel, tools, food or other articles in k for the benefit either of the poor of the townships of linton and threshfield generally, or of such deserving and necessitous persons resident therein as the trustees select

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