yearly income to be applied in or towards the succour and relief of poor necessitous or indigent persons associated with the society. yearly income and at trustees' discretion the capital endowments to be applied as above. yearly income to be applied in or towards the propagation and dissemination of the beliefs and doctrine of the new church. yearly income to be applied in or towards the purchase of liturgies for persons becoming junior members of the society. (a) capital endowments may be applied in or towards the improvement or rebuilding of any property used for or in connexion with the work of the society or in or towards the acquisition or provision of property to be purchased for use or in connexion with the work of the society. (b) the yearly income shall be applied in or towards the cost of repairs or improvements to any buildings used for or in connexion with the work of the society and insofar as not required therefor for the general purposes of the society. 1) 5 seventeenth parts of the endowments for the general purposes of the society. 2) 4 seventeenths parts to form the endowment of a separate charity to be called jeggins gift for maintenance and the trustees shall apply the clear yearly income and at their discretion the capital endowment thereof in or towards the upkeep and maintenance of the buildings and fittings of the north finchley new church. 3) 4 seventeenths parts to form the endowment of a separate charity to be called the jeggins gift for sunday school and the trustees shall apply the clear yearly income and at their discretion the capital endowment thereof in or towards the religious education of young persons attending any sunday or other school held by or in connexion with the society. 4) remaining 4 seventeenths parts to form the endowment of a separate charity to be called the jeggins gift for musical services and the trustees shall apply the clear yearly income and at their discretion the capital endowment thereof in or towards the maintenance and improvement of the musical services in the buildings for the time being belonging to the charity known as the north finchley new church particularly in relation to the choir and organ. yearly income to be applied in increasing the stipend of the minister for the time being of the society. yearly income to be applied in or towards the religious education of young persons attending any sunday or other school held by or in connexion with the society. see individual constituents.
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