Aquaterra Leisure

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games or sports

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courses lectures demonstrations and coaching




"11 the provision or assistance in the provision of facilities for recreation or other leisure time occupation throughout the united kingdom in the interest of social welfare for the public at large and for persons who by youth age infirmity or disablement poverty or social or economic circumstances may have need for such facilities,2 the promotion of the education of pupils or students in schools or establishments for further or higher education by the provision or assistance in the provision of facilities for physical education and development including games or sports equipment courses lectures demonstrations and coaching;3 the advancement of health of the public at large:3.1 through community participation in healthy recreation, and3.2 by the provision of education, advice and guidance in the advantages of healthy and active lifestyles, including the benefits of a balanced and healthy diet, and3.3 by the provision of facilities and services for physical exercise, treatment and advice,4 the advancement of education through:4.1 the provision and maintenance of museums,4.2 the provision of an archive service including the collection and preservation of documents and other records,4.3 he promotion of the performing arts, theatrical productions and artistic excellence and the provision and operation of a theatre,the provision of assistance in the provision of lending and reference library services either free or at a reasonable charge."""



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