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Waldorf Learning Foundation Limited

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"(a) to acquire and take over all the undertaking property and assets and all the debts (whether secured or unsecured) liabilities and engagements of wynstones school at present being carried on by margaret bennell in conjunction with the other subscribers to the memorandum of association at whaddon and brookthorpe in the county of gloucester including the freehold premises known as ""the wynstones"" near brookthorpe in the said county of gloucester and to indemnify the said margaret bennell against all such debts, liabilities and engagements.(b) to acquire from cora marjorie nokes the freehold premises known as ""whaddon manor"" whaddon, in the said county, subject to any incumbrances subsisting at the date of such acquisition and to indemnify the said cora marjorie nokes against all liabilities in respect of any such incumbrances.(c) to provide for and conduct the education of children in accordance with the principles and methods enunciated by rudolf steiner."

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