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The Laser Trust Fund (moghissi) Appeal

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investigating or treating the condition of or alleviating




(a) the care and treatment of patients needing or undergoing or having undergone surgery or treatment relating to intra thoracic diseases. (b) the purchase of any apparatus or equipment medical or otherwise required for use in investigating or treating the condition of or alleviating the suffering of any such patient or for the purposes of research leading to the advancement of medical science in the field of intra thoracic diseases generally. (c) paying the expenses of sending any persons engaged in the field of intra thoracic surgery or the treatment of intra thoracic diseases and in particular junior members of hospital staff to or upon any conference symposium or course of study. (d) the recruitment and remuneration of research assistants and laboratory technicians to assist in the field of intra thoracic diseases generally. (e) making subscriptions to the library of the medical faculty of any university learned society hospital or institution specialising in the field of cardio thoracic surgery. (f) for such other purposes or uses as the trustees may in their absolute discretion deem desirable and consistent with the objects expressed by the deed.



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