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Charities Icw Poulton-le-fylde Hodgson High

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prizes search

annual prize

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pupil or pupils

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prize for proficiency

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county secondary

blackboard search

nominated by the headmaster

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recognition of excellence




awarding of an annual prize by the governors for the time being of the hodgson county secondary school, poulton-le-fylde in recognition of excellence of service to the school by a pupil or pupils of the school. provision of an annual prize to the boy and girl being pupils at the school who achieve the highest marks in the final examinations. annual prize for proficiency in woodwork to be awarded to such pupils of the school as shall be nominated in consultation with the appropriated members of his staff. an annual prize for proficency in engineering to be awarded to such pupils of the school as shall be nominated by the headmaster and senior engineering master for the time being of the school. provision of such annual prizes in domestic science to the pupils of the school provision of an annual prize in horticulture to such pupil judged to have made most effort throughout the year in the subject of horticulture. the granting of such prizes annually in french to the pupils of the school. provision of an annual prize for the boy or girl leaving the school who shall write the best application for a situation. provision of an annual prize for computer studies at the school. provision of an annual prize or prizes for such distinction in physics to such pupils of the school. the provision of an annual prize in history to such pupil of the school judged to have made most effort throughout the year in the subject of history. the purchase of two books annually to be awarded to such boy and girl pupil of the school for their efforts and examination results in religious knowledge. provision of an annual prize for music at the poulton-le-fylde hodgson county secondary school. the granting of such annual prizes for mathematics to pupils of the school. the purchase of two books annually to be awarded to such boy or girl for their work in drama. provision of an annual prize for the best essay on the subject of 'who is my neighbour?' see individual constituents



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