Search results for youth disablement adverse economic charities

The Beauchamp Lodge Settlement

youth search

individually or collectively who by reason of youth age infirmity disablement or adverse social or economic


disablement or adverse

In their latest financial year, this charity...

Raised: £313,011
Spent: £267,558

Figures are for financial year ending 2022-03-31.

Clarion Futures

speech search

interpreting translating advocacy

health search

healthcare projects and all the necessary

In their latest financial year, Clarion Futures...

Raised: £6,623,000
Spent: £15,993,000
Charitable spending per pound spent: 99p
Highest salary: Between £90K and £100K

Figures are for financial year ending 2022-03-31.



Chesterfield F C Community Trust

health search

football and other sports capable of improving health

bricks search

land buildings equipment and organising sporting

In their latest financial year, this charity...

Raised: £14,512,105
Spent: £4,936,153
Charitable spending per pound spent: 23p
Highest salary: Between £70K and £80K

Figures are for financial year ending 2021-06-30.

The Football League (community) Limited

jump search

football and other sports capable of improving physical

In their latest financial year, this charity...

Raised: £25,986,334
Spent: £25,116,811
Charitable spending per pound spent: 99p
Highest salary: Between £100K and £110K

Figures are for financial year ending 2022-06-30.



Everton in the Community

jump search

football and other sports capable of improving physical

In their latest financial year, this charity...

Raised: £5,040,490
Spent: £4,592,491
Charitable spending per pound spent: 91p

Figures are for financial year ending 2022-06-30.

Bradford Trident Limited

professional search

opportunities for unemployed people in cases

professional search

setting up their own business

bricks search

opportunities by the provision of workspace buildings

professional search

business advice or consultancy

In their latest financial year, this charity...

Raised: £8,032,406
Spent: £7,876,917
Charitable spending per pound spent: 97p
Highest salary: Between £60K and £70K

Figures are for financial year ending 2022-03-31.

Reach to Teach

village search

rural regeneration

professional search

creation of training and employment

village search

land for use on favourable

house search

housing in the public sector or in charitable ownership

jump search

opportunities by the provision of workspace

In their latest financial year, Reach to Teach...

Raised: £4,736,010
Spent: £1,739,542
Charitable spending per pound spent: 93p
Highest salary: Between £150K and £200K

Figures are for financial year ending 2022-03-31.

Circadian Trust




south gloucestershire and its environs

research search

live work or study

In their latest financial year, Circadian Trust...

Raised: £10,148,076
Spent: £10,441,374
Charitable spending per pound spent: 100p
Highest salary: Between £100K and £110K

Figures are for financial year ending 2022-03-31.



North Halifax Partnership Limited

professional search

technical assistance or business advice or consultancy

professional search

education training or retraining particularly among unemployed people

In their latest financial year, this charity...

Raised: £4,121,774
Spent: £4,081,659
Charitable spending per pound spent: 100p

Figures are for financial year ending 2022-03-31.

Lloyds Bank Foundation for England & Wales

science search

scientific or medical research are published

science search

awards b to advance scientific

drama search

enjoyment of the arts

In their latest financial year, this charity...

Raised: £19,356,049
Spent: £19,859,306
Charitable spending per pound spent: 99p
Highest salary: Between £140K and £150K

Figures are for financial year ending 2021-12-31.

Borough of Havant Sport and Leisure Trust


save that special facilities

In their latest financial year, this charity...

Raised: £4,509,808
Spent: £4,715,886
Charitable spending per pound spent: 97p
Highest salary: Between £80K and £90K

Figures are for financial year ending 2022-03-31.

Abingdon School





child search

older children

elderly search

older than the age of nineteen

In their latest financial year, Abingdon School...

Raised: £32,344,000
Spent: £30,152,000
Charitable spending per pound spent: 99p
Highest salary: Between £200K and £250K

Figures are for financial year ending 2022-08-31.

Jnf Charitable Trust

israel search

state of israel



In their latest financial year, Jnf Charitable Trust...

Raised: £14,129,000
Spent: £16,923,000
Charitable spending per pound spent: 92p
Highest salary: Between £100K and £110K

Figures are for financial year ending 2021-12-31.

The Youth Endowment Fund Charitable Trust

prison search

ex offenders


risk of offending


save lives

justice search

crime free

In their latest financial year, this charity...

Raised: £10,819,403
Spent: £20,189,083
Charitable spending per pound spent: 91p
Highest salary: Between £130K and £140K

Figures are for financial year ending 2021-12-31.

Step by Step London

judaism search

jewish community



health search


professional search

future employment


disabilities behavioural


productive future

In their latest financial year, Step by Step London...

Raised: £989,750
Spent: £989,530
Charitable spending per pound spent: 98p

Figures are for financial year ending 2022-03-31.

The Braunstone Foundation

bricks search

workspace buildings and or land for use on favourable

poverty search

regeneration in areas ofsocial and economic deprivation

In their latest financial year, this charity...

Raised: £1,715,441
Spent: £1,789,360
Charitable spending per pound spent: 84p
Highest salary: Between £70K and £80K

Figures are for financial year ending 2022-03-31.



The Coalfields Regeneration Trust

village search

rural regeneration

coins search

economic deprivation

education search

education training or retraining

professional search

business advice or consultancy

In their latest financial year, this charity...

Raised: £5,999,000
Spent: £5,965,000
Charitable spending per pound spent: 70p
Highest salary: Between £70K and £80K

Figures are for financial year ending 2022-03-31.

Exeter City Community Trust

person search

occupation of individuals

youth search

youth age infirmity or disablement financial hardship

person search

persons and adults

In their latest financial year, this charity...

Raised: £1,655,443
Spent: £1,407,761
Charitable spending per pound spent: 100p

Figures are for financial year ending 2022-01-31.

Manchester United Foundation

jump search

football and other sports capable of improving physical

In their latest financial year, this charity...

Raised: £4,238,205
Spent: £4,188,961
Charitable spending per pound spent: 86p
Highest salary: Between £110K and £120K

Figures are for financial year ending 2021-06-30.

Chelsea Fc Foundation

jump search

equipment and organising sporting

health search

football and other sports capable of improving health facilities

In their latest financial year, this charity...

Raised: £5,978,309
Spent: £6,461,299
Charitable spending per pound spent: 100p
Highest salary: Between £110K and £120K

Figures are for financial year ending 2022-06-30.

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Figures are obtained from the UK charity commission. Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0. This website is not endorsed by the UK charity commission.
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