Search results for bierton charities

The Mike and Claire Griffin Charitable Trust

church search

church clock

village search

county of buckingham

professional search

unable to gain employment

history search

special historical

church search

parishes of bierton

In their latest financial year, this charity...

Raised: £16,475
Spent: £100,189

Figures are for financial year ending 2021-12-31.

Bierton Pre-school

club search

play education and care facilities family learning and extended hours groups together with the right of parents to take responsibility for and to become involved in the activities of such groups

In their latest financial year, Bierton Pre-school...

Raised: £69,406
Spent: £68,312

Figures are for financial year ending 2021-08-31.



Bierton C of E Combined School Fund

blackboard search

combined school

village search

facilities financed by the local education

In their latest financial year, this charity...

Raised: £11,767
Spent: £11,378

Figures are for financial year ending 2021-08-31.

Bierton C of E Combined School Parent Teacher Association

blackboard search

pupils school

In their latest financial year, this charity...

Raised: £12,053
Spent: £6,262

Figures are for financial year ending 2022-08-31.



1st Bierton Scout Group

prayer search

physical intellectual social and spiritual potentials as individuals as responsible citizens

In their latest financial year, this charity...

Raised: £10,792
Spent: £10,135

Figures are for financial year ending 2019-03-31.

Bierton Church Charity



coins search

cash or in kind


broughton bierton



In their latest financial year, this charity...

Raised: £6,715
Spent: £6,706

Figures are for financial year ending 2022-12-31.

Friends of Bierton Hill (inactive)



parent search

staff parents


trainees at the centre

jump search

activities of all kinds

In their latest financial year, this charity...

Figures are for financial year ending 2012-08-31.

Women's Institute - Bierton and Hulcott (inactive)


practice those ideals

science search

crafts and sciences

village search

rural life including arts

house search

branches of agriculture handicrafts home economics

In their latest financial year, this charity...

Raised: £1,200
Spent: £1,229

Figures are for financial year ending 2015-09-30.



William Hill's Charity (inactive)


two thirds

church search

individually persons resident in the parishes of bierton with broughton

church search

ancient parish of buckland

In their latest financial year, this charity...

Raised: £175
Spent: £63

Figures are for financial year ending 2022-01-31.

William Reeve (inactive)

house search

resident in broughton bierton

In their latest financial year, William Reeve...

Raised: £266
Spent: £356

Figures are for financial year ending 2004-12-31.

Archdeacon Hill's Charity (inactive)

Bierton Church of England Primary School (inactive)

In their latest financial year, this charity...

Figures are for financial year ending 2008-12-31.

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Figures are obtained from the UK charity commission. Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0. This website is not endorsed by the UK charity commission.
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