Search results for chartham charities

Chartham Village Hall Management Committee

club search

opinions including use of the property for meetings lectures and classes

church search

parish of chartham

In their latest financial year, this charity...

Raised: £41,887
Spent: £32,841

Figures are for financial year ending 2022-03-31.

Chartham Hatch Village Hall

village search

village hall

club search

meetings lectures and classes





In their latest financial year, this charity...

Raised: £18,226
Spent: £20,241

Figures are for financial year ending 2022-02-28.



Friends of Chartham Primary School

parent search

relationships between the staff parents

blackboard search

school engaging in activities or providing facilities or equipment

In their latest financial year, this charity...

Raised: £11,500
Spent: £22,084

Figures are for financial year ending 2019-08-31.

Friends of St Mary's Church, Chartham (inactive)

christian search

diocese of canterbury

fabric search

fabric but not the moveable

In their latest financial year, this charity...

Figures are for financial year ending 2021-08-31.



Chartham Womens Institute (inactive)

club search

organisation and of putting into practise those ideals

In their latest financial year, this charity...

Raised: £2,306
Spent: £2,293

Figures are for financial year ending 2008-09-30.

Chartham Village Hall Fund (inactive)

church search

parish of chartham

In their latest financial year, this charity...

Raised: £110
Spent: £7,087

Figures are for financial year ending 2009-05-31.

Royal British Legion - Chartham Branch (inactive)

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Figures are obtained from the UK charity commission. Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0. This website is not endorsed by the UK charity commission.
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