Search results for peter eaton square charities

The Pimlico St Peter Trust

church search

church of england primary


st peter s eaton square

In their latest financial year, this charity...

Raised: £5,000
Spent: £23,098

Figures are for financial year ending 2021-12-31.

The Tillyer and Chidwick Trust





church search

parish of st peter


peter s eaton square

In their latest financial year, this charity...

Raised: £8,420
Spent: £0

Figures are for financial year ending 2022-08-31.

St. Peter's Eaton Square Primary School Trust

coins search

facilities financed

In their latest financial year, this charity...

Raised: £112
Spent: £96

Figures are for financial year ending 2021-12-31.

Friends of Music At St. Peter's Eaton Square Limited (inactive)

dance search

drama ballet

drama search

opera music

art search

literature sculpture and painting

In their latest financial year, this charity...

Raised: £18,330
Spent: £6,396

Figures are for financial year ending 2020-06-30.

St Peter's Eaton Square Charity (inactive)

church search

parochial church council

christian search

auspices of the vicar

In their latest financial year, this charity...

Figures are for financial year ending 2011-12-31.

The St Peters Eaton Square Vicarage Charity (inactive)

church search

parochial church council

fabric search

structure and fabric

christian search

auspices of the vicar

In their latest financial year, this charity...

Figures are for financial year ending 2011-12-31.

St Peter's Eaton Square Choir Boys' Education Fund (inactive)

St Peter's House Bradford Ltd (inactive)

Edward Peter Jones Foundation (inactive)

Manchester War Memorial Fund (inactive)

Spotlighters Trust (inactive)

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Figures are obtained from the UK charity commission. Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0. This website is not endorsed by the UK charity commission.
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