Search results for poor residing ancient parish charities

Hospital of St John Heytesbury

coins search

extraordinary repair fund

coins search

cyclical maintenance fund

church search

ancient parishes

house search

almshouses for poor persons

In their latest financial year, this charity...

Raised: £297,639
Spent: £285,875

Figures are for financial year ending 2022-03-31.

The Almshouse of St John the Baptist and St John the Evangelist

person search

persons of good character

women search

poor women

village search

urban district

poverty search

poor men

house search

almshouse for poor

house search


In their latest financial year, this charity...

Raised: £385,380
Spent: £444,700

Figures are for financial year ending 2021-12-31.



St Aldates Parochial Charity

church search

church branch


charges properly incurred

coins search

defraying the cost of alterations

In their latest financial year, this charity...

Raised: £214,357
Spent: £234,376

Figures are for financial year ending 2021-12-07.

The Earl of Southampton Trust


facilities calculated to reduce

house search

almshouses for poor persons


individually persons resident in the ancient

person search

inhabitants of the ancient parish of titchfield

In their latest financial year, this charity...

Raised: £135,864
Spent: £193,017

Figures are for financial year ending 2022-03-31.



Sleaford Hospital


two years next

In their latest financial year, Sleaford Hospital...

Raised: £100,094
Spent: £91,018

Figures are for financial year ending 2022-03-31.

Cantley Poor's Land Trust

house search

individually persons resident

church search

ancient parish of cantley

In their latest financial year, this charity...

Raised: £122,483
Spent: £93,900

Figures are for financial year ending 2022-03-31.

Charity of William Marshall

candle search

widows resident

candle search

widows resident in the ancient parishes





person search

inhabitants of the ancient

In their latest financial year, this charity...

Raised: £68,766
Spent: £55,559

Figures are for financial year ending 2021-12-31.

Kirkley Poor's Lands

house search

persons resident in the ancient parish

In their latest financial year, Kirkley Poor's Lands...

Raised: £103,224
Spent: £69,915

Figures are for financial year ending 2022-04-30.



Robert Lucas for the Poor and for Public Purposes

city search

ancient township


sum as the commissioners

In their latest financial year, this charity...

Raised: £124,313
Spent: £112,940

Figures are for financial year ending 2021-12-31.

Sandbach Almshouse Charity



coins search

payment of pensions

house search

repair of almshouses for poor persons of good character

In their latest financial year, this charity...

Raised: £109,740
Spent: £112,145

Figures are for financial year ending 2021-12-31.

Littleport Town Lands Charity

fabric search

outfits clothing tools instruments or books

In their latest financial year, this charity...

Raised: £111,436
Spent: £111,812

Figures are for financial year ending 2022-03-31.

Fountain's Hospital




st michael

house search

resident in the ancient parish

church search

rector of the ecclesiastical parish of st michael

In their latest financial year, Fountain's Hospital...

Raised: £90,096
Spent: £92,007

Figures are for financial year ending 2022-04-30.

Marham Poor's Allotment


facilities calculated to reduce


individually persons resident in the ancient

In their latest financial year, this charity...

Raised: £87,655
Spent: £25,458

Figures are for financial year ending 2022-03-31.

Corton Almshouse Charity


except in special cases to be approved by the commissioners

In their latest financial year, this charity...

Raised: £56,458
Spent: £47,448

Figures are for financial year ending 2021-10-31.

The Church and Poor Lands in the Parish of St Mary the Virgin, Devizes

house search

almshouse branch

city search

poor persons of good character who have resided in the borough


st mary the virgin

tools search

extraordinary repairs

In their latest financial year, this charity...

Raised: £131,521
Spent: £96,081

Figures are for financial year ending 2020-12-31.

The Berwick Almshouse Charity



house search

almshouses for poor persons of good character


qualified applicant



In their latest financial year, this charity...

Raised: £58,850
Spent: £37,346

Figures are for financial year ending 2021-06-30.



Bedford Morison and Cordery Almshouse Charity

women search

almshouses for poor women


married couples of good character

In their latest financial year, this charity...

Raised: £69,882
Spent: £55,153

Figures are for financial year ending 2021-12-31.

Estate Charity of Lady Leveson's Or the Foxley Charity

professional search


church search

ancient parishes

poverty search

pensions for poor

candle search

widows resident

In their latest financial year, this charity...

Raised: £87,196
Spent: £42,690

Figures are for financial year ending 2021-12-31.

Poor's Allotment

house search

individually persons resident

darkcloud search

services or facilities calculated to reduce the need hardship or distress

In their latest financial year, Poor's Allotment...

Raised: £37,006
Spent: £9,793

Figures are for financial year ending 2022-04-05.

Thames Ditton Almshouse Charity

house search

almshouses for poor persons of good character

person search

people alms



In their latest financial year, this charity...

Raised: £211,973
Spent: £42,040

Figures are for financial year ending 2021-06-30.

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Figures are obtained from the UK charity commission. Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0. This website is not endorsed by the UK charity commission.
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